Thank you for visiting one of my little pieces of the web.
Hello, I'm Margaret. I have been married for 11 years to
fabulous man. Together, with God, we have created 6 living children whose ages are: 9, 8, 7, 4, 3, and 22
months. We have 4 girls and 2 boys (#4 and #6). We have currently experienced 8 miscarriages: 3/1997, 10/2003,
11/2003, 01/2004, 03/2004, 06/2004, 11/2004, and 12/2004. In December 2003, I was diagnosed with Asherman's Syndrome
which resulted from 2 very aggressive D&Cs after the birth of my last child. As a result, my uterus has been
severely damaged and scarred. My doctor said that it will take an act of God to heal my uterus, however,
our eyes are constantly on the Ultimate Physician and we continually pray for the miracle to heal my body. After
our 5th miscarriage, in March 2004, we humbly sought out the care of a Reproductive Endocrinologist. It was in April
2004, we found out that I have a potentially deadly blood clotting disorder which additionally induces our miscarriages,
but suffocating them. I have compound MTHFR (C677T and A1298C). To help my blood, I must take aspirin
and folic acid daily to help reduce my body from clotting.
I am very proud to say that I am of the Catholic faith and it guides
every aspect of my life. I love learning, especially about my faith! I believe that spirituality is the one
subject that you can never "master"...there is always more to learn and different areas in which to grow. I am
proud to say that it has been my faith in Our Lord and all of the treasures and glories of the Catholic Church that has gotten
me through the past year+ and all of the sufferings this new cross has brought to me. Within this site you will find
some beautiful prayers and novenas...prayers that are said for nine days.
I stay at home with our children and wouldn't have it any other way.
Roger and I have recently decided that we are going to start homeschooling the children! Not only do we feel called
by God to embark on this journey, but we feel it is our duty given to us when we baptized them into the Catholic faith.
I cannot tell you what a joy and honor it is to be at home with my children all day. I love teaching them, not
only about the "required" subjects, but about their most important subject of all... their Catholic faith.
Not long ago, I found the addiction of computer graphics. I have
begun making my own blinkies and PSP picture tubes. In addition, I have started making computer dollz which I love
to use for signature tags. I have a separate page with those graphics available to you. In December 2003,
after feeling the need to honor Our Blessed Mother, I created a discussion board for Catholic women. In order
to add some excitement to the board, I did a thorough web search for smilies and emoticons to include for my board's use.
I have included those smilies here for you as well.
As I stated above, as a result of feeling the call to fully honor our Blessed
Mother, on December 13, 2003, I began a new discussion board. This board is for every devoted Catholic woman.
She may be married or single; she may already have a family or just starting one; she may be trying to conceive or using natural
family planning to avoid for now; she may be pregnant or facing the cross of infertility. We may look very different,
or we may look oddly familiar. However, no matter what our lives look like, the one thread that binds us together
is our devotion to the Roman Catholic's faith and doctrines. Please stop by. We would love for
you to be a part of our family at "Handmaidens of the Lord". You may access our home by clicking the following

I would like to say that due to the circumstances
of the past year, I have not created as many blinkies as I would have liked... not only have we experienced 6 early miscarriages,
I have had 3 surgeries, we bought a business which had us move across the state of Texas, and I have started homeschooling
our children. Please bear with me, and I will create some more as soon as I am able. I have read my guestbook
and have been given several wonderful new ideas.
God bless you today and always.